Been a while...

Lunette_LineUp (0-00-00-00).jpg

Boy, oh boy!

I’ve ghosted you, I know… I’m tempted to apologize out of habit, but in this particular case, I think it was worth the wait. Behind the scenes here, I’ve been brewing up new ideas and thought approaches to my work and everything surrounding it. In truth, I suppose I can go so far as to extend that to most other aspects of my life as well.

Ever hear of imposter syndrome? Well, if not, it’s essentially the situation you find yourself in when you begin to compare yourself to those around you, and no matter what, you just do NOT belong. I’ve found myself feeling this way repeatedly for a while now, and while it still creeps up, I’ve managed to accept it as a bit of a badge of honor. Sure, I still feel like I have no idea what fuck I’m doing, but this also gives me the advantage of thinking and approaching ideas from a perspective outside of “learned” constraints. Mind you, those constraints exist for a reason, and I look forward to learning them all and mastering them as time goes on, only to strive to break them again. For now though, I’ll continue stumbling, fumbling, and mumbling to myself while making my way towards better results.

So what have I been up to SPECIFICALLY? A little bit of this, a pinch or two of that. No, really. One day I’m practicing a bit of sculpting in ZBrush, fall asleep watching Houdini tutorials hoping my subconscious is still paying attention somehow, binging podcasts on design and business, the normal stuff I guess. Life threw a bit of a curve at me recently that caused me to have to regroup and adapt, but I think it’s safe to say it’s about time to kick off again.

So (I really mean it this time) STAY TUNED! There’s definitely more to come.

*The image used for this particular blog post is a frame of a personal project in the works.

Claudio Martinez